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S.H.Meters - Rich Experience In Water Meter Supply
As the China’s professional manufacturer and distributor since 2013, we have developed a comprehensive water meter range and a complete solution for the Commercial ,agriculture, Industrial and Domestic market on Mechanical type water meter and smart water meters. 
Our S.H.Meters use one-stop procurement of water metering services. S.H.Meters water metering products include: Multi Jet water meter, Single Jet water meter, Woltman water meter, GPRS Wireless AMR Water Meter,Prepayment Water Meter,UltrasonicWater Meterand other water metering products.
Economy Plastic Water Meter 
Installation Configuration: Horizontal Only
Lead Free Status: NSF Certified Lead Free
Sizes Offered: 2"
Measurement Units: Liter/gallon
Accuracy: +/- 1.5% of reading
Temperature Max: 90 Degrees F (40 Degrees C)
Pressure: 150 PSI Operating
Materials: Body: FRP-Reinforced PolyamidePulse 
Output: Optional (Can be installed in-field)
Internals: Engineered Thermoplastic
Sensor: Reed Switch or Totalizer Only
Reed Switch Max Current: 20 mA
Reed Switch Max Voltage: 24 Vdc or Vac
Cable Length: 1.5m
Economy Brass Water Meter